Sunday, October 9, 2011

Conference with Guruji July 9, 2006

Before this conference Guruji announced that students could ask questions pertaining to yoga.
The first student asked, "What is Sauca (cleanliness - from the niyama limb of the Yoga Sutras)?"

Guruji answered, "External cleanliness and internally thinking of God. Makes a good mind. Always think good thoughts towards yourself and others."

Second question was about self-practice as opposed to practice with a teacher: Guruji answered, "Study with one teacher until perfect, then self-practice is okay."

Next question about food: Guruji answered, "Not much eating. Milk, have two litres everyday; good ghee; rice; fresh food; fruit. Not too spicy or hot... sattvic food; sattvic thoughts. Through Maya (illusion) we are attracted to things including food. Only way to overcome this is by thinking of God.

A few days before the conference, Lakshmish, our Sanskrit teacher, shared some things that Guruji had discussed with him:

Age - must practice appropriate for one's age. Whatever age - one can always start practice.
Place - must practice in one place.
Timings - morning or evening only - not in the hot sun. Morning is better because the mind is calm.
Eating - consider the condition of the stomach.
Talking too much is not good.
Practice yama/niyama.
Avoid groups of people - too much is distracting.
Smoking, drinking, etc... are not good.
Utsaha - maintain enthusiasm and a positive mind.
Study the Hatha Yoga Pradipika.
To be avoided:
Using heaters for practice.
Too much walking.
Getting too tired.
Massage - no massage because it damages the nadis (channels through which prana flows).
Ghee with rice or rice with sugar and milk.
Oil bath once or twice a week.
Rub sweat in - don't wipe it with a towel.