Tuesday, December 1, 2009

More on Ashtanga Class Changes

A couple of people have wondered if it would be okay to combine attendance in both the Mysore classes and led classes at Holiday Manor. It's okay to attend both. I want students to be able to maintain a regular Ashtanga practice and I know some students find it hard to attend the morning Mysore everyday due to work schedules and so on.

In case anyone is wondering why new students can't use the Intro card to attend Mysore classes -- the intro card is to introduce new students to all our classes. I've found that new Yoga East students who try to come to Mysore classes burn out pretty quickly. Most new students just aren't prepared for the intensity of a prolonged Mysore practice. What I've found is that most new students can keep it up for about a month and then that's it - they disappear into other classes. The people who seem to do best in Mysore classes are students who have already established a regular yoga practice. A few rare people can start out in Ashtanga classes and do fine, but that's not the norm. New students should try other classes and go to several Ashtanga led classes to make sure they can maintain an Ashtanga practice. Ashtanga, especially in the Mysore format, doesn't require any special ability, flexibility, strength etc..., but it does require steadfast intention. New students need to develop that.

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