Had to share some good news. For years I have been taking cholesterol and triglyceride meds. And even with the meds the blood work ran high.....genetic I guess. Was having some problems with the cholesterol lowering med and they took me off it a few months ago to see what would happen....how high it could go and see what to do next. I met with my doctor today....she looked at the labs, frowned, took my blood pressure, said "hmmm" took my blood pressure again....Looked up and simply stated "what the hell are you doing?!" with a smile. Blood pressure down(110/58) ....cholesterol is normal with the good kind way up ( No meds) and triglyceride levels in the normal range (still with that med but had always been double normal even with the meds) When I told her Ashtanga Yoga ,,,,she laughed and said that burning candles and stretching could not do this...I set her straight...So YES yoga has definitely changed my physiology for the better...Thanks!!! What a life saver!!! :)
Sometimes you have no idea what yoga is really doing for you. Sometimes we think that because we're not flexible or having trouble with poses, that yoga is "not working". It's working all right, and often in ways that you can't imagine.
A few years a go a friend of mine who teaches in California had a student who had a serious heart attack. The cardiologist found that the student had an extensive secondary capillary system to the heart which probably saved his life. The cardiologist attributed such an extensive development to the student's long-time Ashtanga practice and told the teacher, "Make sure your students know what yoga is doing for them!"