Saturday, May 28, 2011

Kino Workshop

In the Ashtanga Yoga system, "certification" means that a person has been to Mysore numerous times and completed 3rd Series (Advanced A) under the supervision of K. Pattabhi Jois. There are only 32 certified Ashtanga teachers world-wide, and Kino is the youngest person to receive certification. You can go to Pattabhi Jois's website to learn more about the Ashtanga sytem and how teachers are authorized and certified.

Kino is well-known for her accomplished practice, but she is also the rare kind of teacher who knows how to make difficult aspects of yoga accessible to all kinds of students. Kino will offering pointers on how to develop the strength to lift up and jump back. She also has tips on how to cope with some of the challenges many yoga students face - tight hamstrings and tight hips.

You can catch Kino on YouTube and her podcasts demonstrating poses and teaching. Many Ashtanga students have told me how helpful they have found Kino's advice from watching her online or on DVD's.

I hope many students will take this opportunity to improve your practice. The workshop is not just for Ashtanga students - all students at all levels will benefit from Kino's workshop. Take your practice to the next level.

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