Thursday, July 7, 2011

Muscle Injuries Associated with Statin Drugs

A student told me this week that she learned her persisent leg pains might be due to Lipitor, which she had been taking for the past eight years.  I researched what she told me and found that some dangerous side effects have been reported for statin drugs such as Lipitor.  These side effects include myopathy (muscle injury) and rhabdomyolisis (breakdown of damaged skeletal muscle).  Both types of injury to the muscle can also occur or be worsened by overheating, exertion, and holding a position too long.  Some muscles, such as the quadriceps muscles, are enclosed in tight compartments of fascia. When the muscle is strained or injured and swelling occurs, permanent muscle injury can result because blood flow is impaired.  When blood flow is impaired to muscle tissue, the muscle cells die and do not regenerate.

If you are taking a statin drug and you are experiencing muscle pain, please consult with your medical professional.  Also, do not hold yoga poses so long that your blood flow is impaired.

For more information about statins see

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