Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Practice for the Week of March 26 - Breathe Easy

Take a few moments for this practice and your whole day will feel more relaxed.

Sit in a comfortable posture. If sitting on the floor use a folded blanket or meditation cushion to raise your seat slightly. This will relax the legs, lengthen the spine and open the chest for better breathing. You can also sit in a chair with your feet on the floor and hands in your lap. You can also lie down, with your upper body elevated using a pillow, folded blankets or a bolster. Make sure your spine, neck and head are aligned and that your position is comfortable. Relax your shoulders and consciously soften the face so that there's no tension in the muscles of the neck and face.

Ujjayi is a form of breathing that makes a slight breathy sound in the throat. It's a gentle, velvety breath that sounds like gentle ocean waves splashing onto the shore and then ebbing away.

Using Ujjayi breath, hold your hands at the your side ribs and inhale so that your expanding ribs push the hands apart. Slowly exhale the breath. Repeat a few time and notice how the breath begins to deepen and elongate. Keep the inhalation and exhalation smooth, deep and even. Listen to the soothing sound of the breath as if you are listening to ocean waves, or the sound of the wind brushing through tall grass or pine trees. Let the sound of your own breath be soothing and relaxing.

Enjoy your day!

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