Sunday, June 5, 2011

Kino's Workshop - June 3-5

Thank you to all of the students and teachers who came to the workshop this weekend.  Nadia Duran won the Longest Distance Traveled Award.  She came from Amsterdam, The Netherlands. It was wonderful to spend the weekend in the Ashtanga community. How fortunate we are to have such a strong practice community.

Ashtanga Yoga is a challenging form of yoga. As Willem Dafoe said in the documentary "Ashtanga, NY", "Ashtanga Yoga expects you to rise to its level."  How grateful I am to have this practice and the guidance of such great, committed teachers like Kino MacGregor, Pattabhi Jois, Sharath and Saraswathi.  One thing they all share is the "You can do it!" attitude.  And you also get the feeling that they are behind you all the way, cheering you on. 

I invite all the participants to write your comments about the workshop.  It's helpful to share our experiences on this path... our challenges and our triumphs.

1 comment:

  1. I could only make it to the Sunday Mysore and "hamstrings/hips" sessions. I really wanted to go to the strength class, but just couldn't.

    I have a much deeper understanding now of forward bending in all the asanas. I suspect I'll be working on the concept of "hollowing out" and folding around that hollow for a long time. I'll also be playing with how my "sit bones" spread out vs keeping them in line in forward bending.

