To regulate the breath during the practice of asanas, the technique of ujjayi breathing is important. In ujjayi breathing you constrict your vocal cords slightly as you breathe so that you feel the air as it flows past. A slight hissing sounds often results - the more you constrict your throat and force your breath, the louder the sound. The goal is not to create a lot of sound but rather less sound. With practice and greater control, you should be able to breathe slowly and very smoothly. Then the sound will diminish and you can direct your attention to a subtle indicator: the internal sensation of your breath flowing.
--A.G. Mohan, Krishnamacharya: His Life and Teachings, (Shambhala: Boston, 2010), 24.
quoting Krishnamacharya on breathing and asana.
This week, pay attention to the breath understanding how the quality of the breath reflects the mental fluctuations. Notice how the thoughts become still as the breath becomes more subtle.
Om Shanti!
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