Monday, July 2, 2012

Gurupurnima - July 3

July 3 is the full moon day called Guru Purnima, the day traditionally set aside to honor the Guru. This day is chosen because the full moon of the month of July is considered to be the most perfect full moon of the year, and so it symbolizes the fullness and perfection that is the Guru and that the Guru brings forth in a true disciple.

What is a "Guru"?  The word has several means in the yoga tradition. The syllable "gu" means "darkness" and the syllable "ru" means "light", so it is said the Guru is one who leads us from the darkness of ignorance to the light of knowledge. The word "guru" also means "heavy", so the Guru is one whose presence in our lives is weighty, one who cannot be ignored or brushed aside.

I practiced and studied yoga for almost 25 years before I met my Guru. Back at that time, I thought I understood a lot about yoga, but when I met my Guru, I realized that I had only been skimming along the surface.  Through my association with my Guru, I have profoundly deepened my practice and understanding of yoga and that has transformed my life.  I now have a deeper appreciation for the love and wisdom I have received from so many people in my life.

My mother used to sing this rhyme:

I see the moon; the moon sees me.
The moon sees the one that I want to see.
God bless the moon and God bless me.

If I get to heaven and you're not there,
I'll wait for you on the golden stair.
Then all the angels in heaven will see
How much I love the one that I want to see.

When I see the beautiful full moon, I think of those people whose influence has made my life so rich and full of blessings: my family, my Guru,  my teachers and my students.

Happy, happy Gurupurnima!

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